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A characteristic aspect of Ving Tsun is that it is a universal system thanks to the simplicity of the movements. Everyone can start with Ving Tsun, even if you are a little less agile or sporty. There are no special beginner techniques. All movements and exercises remain a fundamental part of the training for every practitioner.


At the start of your Ving Tsun training, you will learn that after regular training, you quickly master the basic movements. The structure of Ving Tsun is build for achieving as much results as possible, while wasting as little energy as possible. You also need to be curious about the "why" of the structure, and not just its implementation. Ving Tsun is a technical system, and  through really understanding the underlying thought, you will get the hang of it easier. Feel free to ask questions! This will make your progress faster.

united ving tsun kung fu society

Below an impression of the main training components.


Chi Sau: A main part of Ving Tsun is applying pressure and chasing your opponent, so that he has no opportunity to defend himself or recover. The power that you have over your opponent will become stronger as you progress in Chi Sau. It is a partner training in which the contact of the arms are used to develop a certain structure, with which you let your coordination, reflexes, sense of distance, attack and defense 'grind in' your actions.


Basic Forms: Basic forms: This is an equally important part of the training. With this you train the individumovements of Ving Tsun individually. The first form, Siu Nim Tau, forms the foundation of the system. This mainly concerns the coordination of all arm movements within the center line and body posture. The second form, Chum Kiu, focuses on training the balance. Here you train movement combinations, turning the stand, steps during a fight and making kicks. The third form, Biu Gee, has as main theme 'escape from extremeluy disadvantaged situations'. That can be multiple opponents, an opponent who is stronger than you or that you are injured.

Mok Yan Chong: Using a wooden training device, which is a stable factor that allows you to perfect techniques. With this you train reversing an adverse combat situation and attacking an opponent who offers a lot of resistance.


Punch bag training: Training a powerfull punch on the punch bag is very important, since technique alone will have little effect without solid mechanics. 


Weapon training: The pole form, Lok Dim Boon Kwan, is done with a long stick that serves as a replacement for all large objects that can be used as a weapon. In addition, you develop more stability and strength with the pole form.

The knife form, Baat Jam Dao, differs greatly from the basis of Ving Tsun. For this reason, the knife form is only trained by practitioners who have built up sufficient experience and can already use Ving Tsun effectively.


Sparring: Is a partner training, in which attacks and defenses are used freely. This teaches you how to deal with what it is like to hit someone and to be hit yourself. During the sparring you apply all techniques that you have learned during the lessons, and you learn how you can use this at the right moment. Dosing of punches is necessary. Sparring is therefore not a matter of "waving" around you, you will learn nothing at all from this. On the contrary, it is important that you remain in control, use skill and give your training partner the opportunity to do the same.

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